Referat Symbaroum: Mother of Darkness

“A field drenched in blood, dressed in darkness,

where bodies lay rotting, in rolling landscapes of death.

The victors, triumphant yet weeping, for humanity’s fall,
and the dread of it all, for the blight-stricken earth,
wind and water.

With shackles of rootlets and creepers, they fettered the spawn
of darkness unborn, and chanted the taint into slumber.”

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6 Responses to Referat Symbaroum: Mother of Darkness

  1. CBC says:

    Som nogle af jer måske har bemærket, så har jeg lagt en ny PDF i vores dropbox. Den beskriver en rejse ind i Davokar. Journalen er kommet i Elmendra’s hænder, via hendes kontakter, og hun beder jer læse den.

    Og ja, der er lidt hints i den. Måske hvad man bør gøre eller ikke bør gøre ift. en ekspedition ind i Davokar. Der er også personer i har mødt osv.

  2. CBC says:

    Davokar Survival (extra rules):

    For people traveling through Davokar, running out of food is as serious a threat as predators and corrupted nature. After five days without any food whatsoever, or ten days on rations, the following effects kick in:
    The player character..
    – does not benefit from any natural healing
    – has two chances to fail all success tests
    – can only move at half speed
    – must pass a Strong test every day; failure decreases Strong by –1. Strong 0 means death by starvation.

    A living creature cannot survive long without water. After three days the character must pass a Strong test; failure means death. If successful, the character must remain completely still in the shade in order to survive, for a maximum of five days (a new Strong test is made every day).

    Sleep Deprivation:
    Player characters have no problem staying active for twenty-four consecutive hours, as long as they remember to eat and drink. Then they need eight hours of sleep to recover before facing the challenges of the next twenty-four-hour period. If a player character fails to give his or her body and spirit enough rest, the following applies until they catch up on their sleep:
    The player character…
    – may not benefit from any natural healing
    – gets two chances to fail all success tests
    – suffers a catastrophic failure if the outcome of a success test is 20. The Game Master determines the nature of the failure depending on what the test is supposed to achieve, but in any case, the player character or one ally is mortally wounded (i.e. reaches 0 Toughness).

    Bushcraft, Boon (expanded)
    The person can read the signs of the wilds, knows what areas to avoid and is used to finding food, water and shelter in harsh environments. While moving through ruins or wilderness, the person can pass a Vigilant test to gather 1d6 rations of food and water per day, or 1d10 rations if that is the person’s sole focus (no movement). Bushcraft can be acquired multiple times, in which case it can be used in increasingly hostile environments. For example, level I is useful in places such as Bright Davokar and the outskirts of the mountains; level II in Wild Davokar and the deep mountain valleys; level III in Dark Davokar and the Underworld (the Game Master decides). Note that one must have spent a significant period of time in the more demanding environments to benefit from the higher levels of the boon.

    Encumbrance p. 100 Advanced Player’s Guide
    There are limits to how much a character can carry. To decide if he or she becomes exhausted by moving around laden with treasures, masterly crafted barbarian axes or gold-plated armor, the items are abstractly measured in numbers rather than in weight. A character can carry a number of items mirroring his or her Strong value without being negatively affected. If the character carries more, each extra item gives a –1 modification to Defense, just like the impeding effect of armor.
    A character can carry a maximum of Strong ×2 items; after that he or she cannot move more than short distances at a time. With the boon Pack-mule, the encumbrance limit is calculated as Strong x1.5 instead, rounded down. Besides these basics the following applies:

    ◆ Clothing, belts and boots do not count as carried items
    ◆ Backpacks, sacks, shoulder-bags and other light containers do not count as items; only the contents are counted
    ◆ Barrels, chests, boxes and other bulky containers count as items in their own right, adding to what they contain
    ◆ Smaller objects (coins, pendants, jewels) weigh nothing unless one carries a lot of them; they count as one carried item for every 50 pieces
    ◆ Armor worn for protection does not count in this case; it has an impeding value instead. Armor which is carried but not worn for protection correspond to a number of items equal to its impeding value
    ◆ Weapons held in a character’s hands do not count as carried items (but signal hostility). Weapons carried in the pack, in their sheaths or similar are encumbering.
    ◆ Weapons with the quality Massive count as two items.
    ◆ One waybread is enough to feed one person for seven days, and counts as one (1) item against the encumbrance limit.
    ◆ Other provisions are enough for one day per ration, and count as half an item against the encumbrance limit.
    ◆ Capable carriers (goblin or human) cost 1 shilling per day and can carry up to 40 units, unless they are expected to contribute in other ways (Strong 13 and the Pack-mule boon). Note that these will need their share of the food supply.
    ◆ Four-legged pack animals (horse, donkey, mule) can carry twice as much, i.e. 80 units each. The cost of such animals is specified in the Core Rulebook (page 154–155), and they have the advantage of being able to survive exclusively by grazing.

    The expedition’s encumbrance limit will of course also be important on the journey home, when the player characters will want to bring their finds back to civilization.

    A character who carries more than allowed will also have a hard time keeping pace during longer marches – a Day’s March counts as a Forced March, and a Forced March counts as a Death March. An encumbered character cannot travel at true Death March pace. Furthermore, the heavy load gives a –1 modification per extra item to Strong when rolling to see if the Death March results in 1 or 1+1d6 damage per day’s travel.

    Wilderness Guide:
    Venturing into uncharted wilderness is always risky business. Book learning and a high Vigilant value is not enough to secure provisions and avoid danger; no, it takes special knowledge about the specific environment. This is why many treasure hunting parties and expeditions always have a skilled guide or two with them.The guide has two main functions: replenishing the food/water supply according to the rules for Bushcraft, and helping the expedition avoid the worst hazards of the journey. In order to be truly useful, the guide must know Bushcraft at whatever level the local environment requires; in Davokar’s case: level I for Bright, level II for Wild, and level III for Dark territories. The cost of the guide is determined by its Vigilant value and its level of Bushcraft. The base cost is one thaler per week, but for every point of Vigilant past 11 and every level of Bushcraft past I, the cost increases by one thaler. For example, hiring a guide with Vigilant 13 that can be useful in Wild Davokar (Bushcraft II) costs 4 thaler a week.

    Each day of travel through a wilderness area, the guide must roll an Orientation test against Vigilant with the Bushcraft trait/boon. If successful, this confers an advantage when rolling on some of the tables described in the next section. If the test fails, the party gains no advantages and suffers a more or less terrible Misfortune. Furthermore, when it comes to avoiding Misfortunes, the person guiding the group can make success tests even in regions that require a higher level of the trait/boon than he or she possesses. It takes at least Bushcraft (I) to be allowed an attempt, and the test is made with a –3 modification if the environment requires one level higher, or –5 if the guide has level I and the environment requires level III. If such a test succeeds, the group suffers no Misfortune, but also does not gain any of the normal advantages for making a successful Orientation test.

    Effect of Boons:
    The boons Cartographer and Pathfinder would probably be useful in relation to the Orientation test. Pathfinder then grants the guide two chances to succeed, while Cartographer can add a bonus of up to +3 to the roll.

  3. RM says:

    Fælles værdier:

    6 heste og 1 vogn
    1 light antidote
    mastercrafted sword (fra stenskib/kejser)

    magisk spyd (fra stenskib/kejser)
    magisk skjold (fra stenskib/kejser)

    magisk stav (fra Kullinan Furia)
    magisk amulet (fra Kullinan Furia)
    magisk ring (fra Kullinan Furia)

    magisk krystal (kan koge vand, 20 daler værd)
    mindstone (fra Bartho)

    198 daler
    5 shilling
    3 ortex

    • CBC says:

      Det er måske også nu at i skal fortælle om de magiske ting i har. Specielt dem der hænger hjemme på væggene eller dem som aldrig er blevet brugt. Jeg synes at jeg mindes at i har fået flere ting end i bruger og nogle af dem er måske endda gået i glemmebogen.
      Vi kan tage alt det her næste gang, men tænk på at i skal have mad ud og hjem + plads til eventuelle skatte i finder. Purple Saps, Elixirs of Life, Waybread, Antidotes m.fl. er absolut også vigtige.
      Er man ikke den stærkeste i gruppen skal man måske hyre en goblin til at slæbe, eller måske bare en ekstra hest. Der er fordele og ulemper ved begge.
      Guides er selvfølge vigtige. Ultimativt for overlevelse.
      Og sidst, men ikke mindst, hvilken vej har i tænkt jer at tage igennem Davokar?

      • RM says:

        Påbegyndt regneark med skitse til ting, vi skal have med.

        CBC: Kan man overhovedet ridde i Davokar? Det er ikke mit indtryk.

        Det sorte sværd er vist ikke så ondt – omstændighederne taget i betragtning. Det tror jeg, at jeg vil binde mig til og slås med fremover.

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