D&D Next in Ferelden


Jeg håber at MC vil skrive lidt mere om kampagnen i Ferelden her. Vi ved at vi er en gruppe Halfling Monks, men ellers ikke så meget endnu =:-)   Dungeons-Dragons-Next-Edition-Out-Summer-2014-650x365

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10 Responses to D&D Next in Ferelden

  1. JS says:

    Killian Ar Liam O Stormhold (16), Avvarian hillsman, Human, Hunter.
    Killian er vokset op i Frostbacks uvejsomme bjergskove i et område der regnes for vildnis selv efter Avvarianske begreber. Efter hans moders død har Killian svoret hævn over de genlocks der forvandlede hans barndoms hjem til en rygende ruin. Killian og hans far Liam eftersatte de skyldige genlocks og fik taget hævn, men Liam døde efterfølgende af en forgiftet kniv i ryggen. Killian har nu samlet sine få ejendele og er draget ud i Ferelden for at søge sin lykke der.

    As a child Killian went on many excursions into Frostback wilderness. Liam taught him the way of the Wild, how to track and when and what to hunt and kill. Killian spent countless hours learning the art of stealth warfare, marksmanship and the vulnerabilities of “the enemies of man”. Before Liam died his last words was whispered to Killian; “I am leaving this body to rejoin with your mother. I have taught you everything I know. Now take the knowledge, my sword and bow and use it to the best of your ability. There are many dark things in this earth also beyond Frostback, yet I believe you have the courage and knowledge to face them. Guard our traditions by the choices you make on of your path. Fare well my son.”
    Killian buried his father on a hillside overseeing a deep mountain lake. He gathered his belongings and set for the highroad leading to Ferelden looking for adventure.

    The following week Killian was tracking a small band of genlocks through the dense mountain forest in the foothills of the Frostback Mountain range. He soon realized that the genlocks he was hoping to strike at a convenient time were meeting up with a band of warg-riders. Wargs being an anomaly and a violation of the natural world made Killian angry. Even though he would be chanceless in a fight, Killian continued to follow the group from distance.
    As it turned out the warg party attacked a pack of white wolves in the area. Kilian was too late to intervene – which most likely saved his life – but at that stage he didn’t care too must about it. When he arrived at the scene the warg-riders was gone and several wolves lay dead on the ground. In the distance Killian heard a she-wolf howling in mourning. Contemplating his options Killian suddenly heard a small snorting sound for a pup. From the underbrushes a small wolf came out to Killian and lay down next to him. Looking at it Killian decided then to take care of the living and seek vengeances at a more opportune moment.

    Mere følger…

    • MC says:

      Tak JS – halfling monks var præcis, hvad jeg drømte om 😉

      Jeg har ingen forkromet baggrundshistorie til jer. I er en gruppe grønne helte på udkig efter eventyr. Så I skal bare afgøre, hvordan I kender hinanden og hvorfor I har slået pjalterne sammen. FYI så findes der professionelle eventyrgrupper som i Forgotten Realms, så I behøver ikke at være barndomsvenner 😉

    • MC says:

      Jeg begynder at tro på, at du savner rollespillet, JS 😉

  2. ALL says:

    Lanwin, Fereldan freeman, cleric of the holy light of the Chantry

  3. RM says:

    Landon, Fereldan freeman. Mage. Sage. Høj, slank, blond, blå øjne. Forældreløs, men “adopteret” af ældre troldmand, som nu er død, og Landon er klar til eventyr!

  4. PL says:

    Gerald Oldstone, surface dwarf, warrior and trader. Looking for way to redeem the poor misfortune of his family. Gerald is on adventure and find that the conflicts of man can be very risky and beneficial.
    His family has been working on the surface many years but has become poor and miserable mostly because of their soft heart and friendliness to humans. Gerald has cut his ties with the parents and will not make the same mistakes. He will be looking for trade and adventure what ever looks most promising.

  5. MC says:


    Det ser jo ud til at være en balanceret sammensat eventyrgruppe, hvor det eneste, der umiddelbart mangler, er en rogue 🙂

    Glæder mig til i morgen.

  6. MC says:

    En lille note om Thedas: Der findes ikke orker. Der findes darkspawn som fx genlocks og hurlocks. Men for simplicitetens skyld kan vi godt sige, at genlocks er orker og hurlocks er orogs 🙂

    With the First Blight came the darkspawn and they have been a plague on the world ever since. The Chantry teaches that the darkspawn cannot be utterly vanquished until sin has been banished from the world, for they are man’s hubris made flesh. Regardless of where they first came from, the legions of the darkspawn now make war upon all other races, emerging from the dwarven Deep Roads in vast numbers with each Blight.

    Darkspawn are malicious creatures, regarding all species not their own as slave labor, sport, or provisions. They tend to even look upon their fellow darkspawn with disfavor and even when they travel together in force, they will group together with their own kind (genlocks with genlocks, hurlocks with hurlocks, and so forth). Fortunately for the other sentients of Thedas, darkspawn despise the sun and their vision is impaired in daylight.

    Most numerous of the darkspawn by far, genlocks are tough and stocky fighters with a penchant for wickedly hooked axes. Unlike the majority of their brethren, they are swift to take up the more complicated weapons of their enemies, employing siege engines in battle and using clever traps to defend any terrain they control. Ferelden’s Circle of Magi believes that their propensity to mine the Deep Roads for lyrium has given genlocks a resistance to magic, for they’ve been known to shrug off spells in battle with little effect. Genlocks tend to be slightly shorter than dwarves with pale white or yellowish skin. They are invariably bald, with deepset eyes and sunken cheeks. Their voices are low and harsh, punctuated by occasional grunts.

    The shock vanguard of the darkspawn, hurlocks are burly soldiers far stronger than the average human. The hurlock are so arrogant they even look down on other darkspawn, convinced that they are truly the chosen race. They are deadly fighters who wield massive two-handed blades in battle, and scar or tattoo themselves regularly to denote their kills. They typically have to wear patchwork armor, as few full sets that can fit one of them exist. Their skin tone ranges from pale white to dark brown. If they are not bald, which is common, then their hair is always black.

  7. JS says:

    I det jeg antager at I ikke lavede et TPK mens jeg var fraværende håber jeg at vi spiller i næste uge. Jeg har købt D&D bogen og vil lige høre om det er ok at anvende reglerne fra bogen nu?

    • MC says:

      Intet TPK sidste gang – om end det var tæt på 🙂

      Jeg synes, at vi skal bruge reglerne fra Players’ Handbook når vi har nok bøger til, at alle kan kigge i dem efter behov. I skrivende stund har vi vist tre eksemplarer (AL, JS og MC), så det synes jeg er ok. Også selvom AL jo skulker de næste par gange.

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