Replik box
Latest on Mon, 09:12 amjp: 11/2 + jeg har ferie, så en tidlig udmelding kunne være rart
PL: Tror godt at jeg er klar i vinterferien
RM: 2025-02-04 minus
jp: Som sagt er jeg - i morgen. Hvordan ser det ud med i vinterferien.
RM: Vi ses til GH!
jp: Forsat god bedring. Så er det GH
JS: Jeg er stadig nede. Næste uge!!!
jp: Hvis Jacob er minus, så tænker jeg vi tager GH
PL: Så er det gloomhaven ??
RM: 2025-01-28 plus
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SLA Industries 2e
“Hi boys, take a seat. Been waiting long? Good, I’m glad; it’d give you time to contemplate how badly you screwed up that Blue I gave you on Tuesday. Seriously, how do you fuck up a Blue? It’s Street Maintenance! All you had to do was roll a few drunks and you clowns burned up a Food Court.So… onwards and upwards, eh? I have three new BPNs for you to choose from. One, is another Blue. Yes, yes, yes, I know, more Street Maintenance, but it’s easier this time. You just need to exterminate a rat horde over by the Crust. Open air, local wildlife and stunning vistas – you’ll lov ...mere